1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Bradford Ornamental Pear
Description This is an ornamental pear that starts off pyramidal in shape when young, but become broader with age. Foliage is a glossy green and heart-shaped, and typical of callery pear tree turns it on in late autumn with foliage turning a myriad of reds, oranges and yellows. Blossum covers the tree in spring.
Foliage Deciduous
Form Branches Ascending
Mature Size 12 x 9m
Uses This tree is suitable for a wide range of uses including streetscapes, parks and avenues where there is space to many in a row. Also great as a single feature tree.
Position & Soil Prefers well-drained soil in a sunny position. Can be semi-evergreen in milder climate. Adaptable to a wide range of site conditions including quite dry conditions, slightly alkaline and/or wet soils including limited coastal exposure.
Features Medium Deciduous Branches Ascending Avenue Coastal Feature Flower Group Planting Informal Screening Shade Tree Specimen
Pot sizes in production 40cm/27L (1.5-1.8m)
50cm/52L (2.8-3.2m)
200L (3.0-3.5m)
Substitutes Pyrus calleryana 'Winter Glow'

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