1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Olea europaea 'Tolley's Upright' Tolley's Upright Olive (Low Fruiting)
Description This is a low-fruiting variety of olive tree that has an upright growth. Responds well to pruning and can be grown with a single leader or easily pruned into a hedge for screening. Foliage is silvery.
Foliage Evergreen
Form Oval
Mature Size 7 x 4m
Uses As a low-fruiting variety, it is ideal for streetscapes, as there is no problem of fruit dropping on pathways. Olives are ideally suited to the residential garden too as they are long-lived, small in stature, and are easily pruned. Where space allows Olives look great planted in multiple numbers. A good option for informal screening.
Position & Soil This variety will tolerate most soils as well as prolonged periods of dryness. Like most trees, it prefers a humus-rich well drained soil in a sunny position.
Features Small Evergreen Oval Avenue Coastal Driveway Feature Foliage Fruiting & Edible Group Planting Hedging Informal Screening
Pot sizes in production 40cm/27L (1.2-1.5m)

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