1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000
Tree Corymbia citriodora 'Scentuous' (syn. 'Dwarf Pink') Dwarf Lemon-scented Gum
Description This is a slightly narrow-domed Corymbia (syn. Eucalyptus), developed by Speciality Trees, doesn't shed its branches. It has a smooth trunk that may be slightly mottled. The bark is a pinky-salmon in colour. Leaves are narrow and highly aromatic when crushed smelling strongly of lemon. This tree features lovely cream-coloured flowers in summer.
Foliage Evergreen
Form Oval
Mature Size 7 x 3m
Uses Due to its smaller size, it is very versatile, making it great for gardens of all sizes and perfect for streetscapes. The bark and flowers add colour and native habitat all year round.
Position & Soil This Corymbia prefers a well-drained soil in a full sun position. It can tolerate frost and drought. It tolerates a range of soils and grows rapidly with or without moisture.
Features Small Evergreen Oval Avenue Bird Attracting Coastal Feature Bark Feature Foliage Group Planting Native Shade Tree Signature Trees Specimen
Pot sizes in production  
Substitutes Angophora costata
Corymbia citriodora Baby Citro 'Babycit' ™
Corymbia eximia nana
Corymbia ficifolia 'Fairy Floss'
Corymbia maculata 'ST1' Lowanna
Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Euky Dwarf'
Eucalyptus pauciflora nana
Eucalyptus torquata
Leptospermum petersonii

Disclaimer: The material contained on the Speciality Trees website is for general information only. Although much care has been taken to provide the information on its website, Speciality Trees does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of this information and its suitability to your needs. All material listed on the Speciality Trees website, its associated links and product sheets are varieties either ready for sale or in production. This is an information source and not confirmation of availability. It is strongly recommended that users enquire about product availability independently of this source.