1060 Wellington Road
Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'

Foliage Deciduous
Form V-Shaped
Mature Size 5 x 3m
Family Aceraceae
Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Deciduous upright Japanese maple with stunning dark-purplish, almost black-red serrated leaves into late summer, turning bright crimson in autumn. The fruits are paired samaras (wing-shaped) and hang from the tree in clusters. It is a taller specimen than Japanese Maple growing to about 5m tall.

This tree makes a beautiful specimen tree in small to large gardens. Can be grown in containers or planted in rows adding great multi-seasonal colour.

Most Japanese Maples prefer fertile, well-drained soil in a full to filtered sun position, 'Bloodgood' is no exception. Avoid a location that is unprotected from north or west afternoon sun, or hot winds in summer. Use mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture in the soil.




Feature Foliage

Purple Foliage


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