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Narre Warren East VIC 3804
T: 03 9554 2000

Winter is a great time to plant advanced deciduous trees

Trees are dormant in winter so planting becomes a task that doesn't interfere with their natural cycles. It's a great time to plant trees.

Acer palmatum

Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum can vary in height and size a little because they are grown from seed but in all cases it is a lovely small tree and very popular. They have a five lobed leaf and light green spring foliage usually turning deep orange and crimson in autumn.

Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry'

Upright Crimson Norway Maple

This is a flashy crimson foliaged maple with dense upright branching. It has a compact growth habit with large crimson leaves in summer turning to gold and orange in autumn. Adds great colour contrast foliage. This is a small tree with grey-black bark that is lightly textured.

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' (syn. 'Senkaki')

Coral Bark Japanese Maple

This tree has attractive double serrated leaves with five to nine lobes. They are green in colour during spring and then turn a bright yellow with an orange tinge at autumn. The striking bark turns a brighter red in winter providing colour throughout the year.

Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Burgundy Redbud

This small, attractive tree has spectacular heart-shaped, burgundy coloured leaves that continually change colour throughout the year. A rich purple in spring, the foliage transforms to green over summer, followed by a multi-coloured autumn display in tones of red, apricot and gold. The branches have a distinctive, smooth, dark brown wood which contrasts well with the blossom like pink flowers that are borne before the re-emergence of leaves in spring.

Jacaranda mimosifolia


This fast-growing tree is an elegant specimen with soft, green foliage which turns yellow in winter before shedding. Flowering occurs in summer, when purple, bell-shaped blooms are produced, covering the canopy. The seed pods are very distinct fleshy curved green pods that eventually dry and open. It is an attractive open tree with branches upwardly ascending. A great summertime feature due to its stunning purple flowers.

Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Sioux'

Crepe Myrtle (musk pink)

Creating quite the visual impact over a lengthy period, this variety has a great trunk and offers masses of intense, musk-pink flowers over summer, followed by stunning, rich foliage colour in tones of yellow, red and orange through autumn, before shedding its leaves. When mature, the bark of this variety will peel, creating a mottled effect to reveal the beautiful caramel-pink colour of its underbark.

Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Tuscarora'

Crepe Myrtle (hot pink)

This deciduous tree has small oval shaped green leaves which turn a stunning reddish/orange in autumn. The most striking part of the tree is the beautiful display of vibrant, hot pink, crinkled flowers which appear in late summer. Flowers form on new growth, and so are encouraged by winter pruning. Bark peels off to reveal a smooth trunk which is beige in colour with red-brown streaks.

Liriodendron tulipifera 'fastigiata'

Upright Tulip Tree

A smaller tree which is more upright than it is wide, forming a tear drop shape with age. It offers the same beautiful characteristics as straight L. tulipifera but its growth habit is much narrower with erect, upright growing branches. From late spring to summer, large yellowish-green, tulip-like flowers decorated with orange markings appear. In autumn the large lime green leaves turn a rich, golden-yellow before falling. This variety is suitable for smaller gardens due to its narrow growth habit.

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Black Tulip' ™

Black Tulip Magnolia (deciduous)

This hybrid deciduous magnolia features deep purple, goblet shaped flowers which provide a knock-out display in late winter and spring before any leaves appear, creating a great contrast against its dark branches. Foliage appears after flowering and is a matte green colour. This is a woody, deciduous, upright growing tree which flowers from quite a young age.

Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland Select'

Cleveland Select Ornamental Pear

A medium sized, fast growing tree with a 3-6m spread and symmetrical, pyramid shape. Branches grow dense and upright, making this variety particularly useful where space is a little more limited. This tree has fantastic scarlet red hues during Autumn and puts on yet another show in spring with an abundance of brilliant white blooms followed by brown coloured fruits. Although this variety thrives in well drained, rich soils, it will also adapt well to a range of soils including areas with heavy soils suffering from occasional wet to dryer conditions.

Disclaimer: The material contained on the Speciality Trees website is for general information only. Although much care has been taken to provide the information on its website, Speciality Trees does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of this information and its suitability to your needs. All material listed on the Speciality Trees website, its associated links and product sheets are varieties either ready for sale or in production. This is an information source and not confirmation of availability. It is strongly recommended that users enquire about product availability independently of this source.