When Bigger is Better. Plant large 100L trees for instant effect!

Think big with this selection of trees, all of which are usually hard to find at this size. Each has a function that will suit a variety of needs and design styles. Best of all, they come to you large - and therefore ready to immediately do what you want them to do.

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Environmentalists and ecologists talk about diversity in plant selection. Councils, keen on ensuring that parks and streets remain green, advocate spreading the risk of loss by mixing their planting schedules with both native and exotic trees and with selections that will more likely adapt and thrive in our changing climatic conditions. 

Starting out only growing natives, our business has diversified to include over 320 indigenous and non-indigenous lines but growing large trees, both native and exotic remains in many ways at the heart and soul of the Speciality Trees business.

For example, our stock of the following lines are just about ready to flush out with the beginnings of spring in the southern parts of Australia. Seldom can you find these selections in this advanced size. They may have been given a light prune this time of year, but this is done meticulously and strategically to encourage new growth worth waiting for. And all to benefit the longevity of the tree.

How good is it to buy big? All the nurturing in terms of formative pruning has been for you so what you have now is the perfect tree to plant.  It will be strong and resilient to varied growing conditions as it has been encouraged to grow with minimal reliance on water, with just the right exposure to bugs, to bolster its amour against pest attack one planted out. It has built-in immunity. This is the advantage of the advanced tree and we are one of the best growers of large trees in the business. Talk to us about your landscaping needs and we'd be happy to grow specific lines to this size for you. 

All of these lines will be available in Spring 2020 in 100L bags, and there are very few nurseries that offer stock in this size.

Choose Queensland Brush Box (Lophostemon confertus) and Lemon Scented Gum (Corymbia citriodora) for an outstanding large feature tree. Both make magnificent focal points in a landscape with space, but there is the smaller Lophostemon confertus ‘ST2’ growing more compactly to around 8m tall. Of course, the scent from the Lemon Scented Gum particularly after rain will make you wonder why you haven’t planted one before.

Choose Agonis flexuosa ‘Lemon & Lime’ and ‘Tolley’s Upright’ Olive for screening. Both selections  make superb screens due to bushy yet narrow foliage - one is native and one is exotic - but both provide a softening effect along fences, external buildings and built-up neighbourly structures.  For a greener, fatter, more prominent leaf, choose Tristaniopsis laurina ‘DOW10 Lusious’ PBR. With a little light prune each year, this native tree bushes up to provide full block-out to around 8m. All of these selections should meet your coverage needs as well as give much-needed habitat for birds.

For a current listing of stock available to buy, you can subscribe to our Availability List here.

For more information about any of our trees, please contact us.

A dwarf variety of the regular native Willow Myrtle. This is a small elegant looking tree that offers striking lemon-yellow weeping foliage changing to lime-green as it ages. It makes a lovely screen, street or feature tree - great for colour contrast in a landscape. Is tolerant of coastal conditions.
A rainforest tree native to the North-Eastern parts of Australia, this is a fast growing tree which is rarely affected by pests and diseases. Dome-like in shape, it develops a very dense foliage cover of dark green, leathery leaves providing good shade for the summer months. This variety rarely sheds limbs and has salmon coloured bark which flakes off over summer revealing orange-brown tones on the trunk. Summer also brings clusters of small white flowers whose stamens give them a decorative fluffy appearance. 40cm/27L
A beautiful, tall growing Corymbia (syn. Eucalyptus) with a distinctive, often powdery white to grey coloured bark which curls and flakes off in spring. Its leaves are green, long and slender with an amazing, strong lemon fragrance when crushed. Its strong scent is a distinguishing attribute, with the essential oils produced from this variety often being used in fragrances as well as insect repellents. In summer and autumn, feathery white flowers appear, making it a good source of food for honey bees. 40cm/27L 50cm/52L 100L
This is a low-fruiting variety of olive tree that has an upright growth. Responds well to pruning and can be grown with a single leader or easily pruned into a hedge for screening. Foliage is silvery. 40cm/27L
An Australian native, this is an improved variety of the regular Tristaniopsis laurina. Leaves are dark green, shiny and large - and as the name suggests, luscious in appearance! New growth starts out a distinctive copper colour and further interest appears over time with the branches developing deep purple coloured bark which peels back to reveal a smooth, cream trunk. Flowers are yellow and sweetly perfumed, appearing in clusters through summer. 40cm/27L

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We are specialists in the environmentally sustainable production of premium quality advanced landscaping trees and screens.

For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.

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