With planning you are able to have interesting gardens all year round. And winter should be no exception to the rule.
Standing out like bright beacons on cold and wet days are the cup-like flowers found on the white limbs of deciduous magnolias. In leaf in summer and bare-limbed in winter, these elegant trees are undoubtedly in all their glory during the cooler months when big, fragrant flowers sit high on the ends of naked branches. While slow growing and long to flower once established, patience is eventually rewarded with stunning flower displays in the cooler months.
Deciduous magnolias require little effort in the garden and complement evergreen trees and plants really well. Their creamy limbs and bold flowers make these trees an eye-catching feature.
For more Magnolia inspiration: Magnolia - Genus – Trees - Speciality Trees
Many other trees look fantastic this time of year and it all has to do with the cooler weather bringing out that charming reddish tinge in new leaf growth on evergreen trees. I admit that this is more noticeable in the period just before the onset of spring, but variances in climate has Mother Nature doing her best to bring this remarkable transition forward. It is a unique stage of the year and well worth capturing in the garden.
Angophora costata is another large evergreen tree known for its transient colour, broad crown and twisted limbs. Its bark is shed in large flakes in spring but just before that occurs young foliage appear across the tree giving it a deep burgundy red tinge, gradually fading to green. Coming out of the cooler months foliage is reddish, curved and waxy, providing excellent contrast to the bark. This tree provides transient colour interest as well as shade – a beautifully rare combination going into spring and summer.
The special selection of Waterhousea floribunda ‘Whisper’ is a lush, robust and fast-growing evergreen native with beautiful pendulous habit. Linear cascading leaves are green with a reddish-orange tinge on young growth. Growing possibly to 12 metres, depending on climate and soil conditions, it is an outstanding performer in the south eastern parts of Australia and holds good colour throughout the colder months when new growth begins to form.
Its slightly larger leaf makes for a denser form of Waterhousea than others on the market. It is full and fat and dressed to the ground so it can be used very successfully as a soft, graceful yet dense screen. Perfect for blocking out tall neighbouring structures. This is a beautiful, highly versatile selection that looks fabulous in the back end of winter when foliage is multi-coloured. If you are looking for finer foliage, Allocasuarina might be the solution or an all-year red foliage colour selection like Leptospermum 'Starry Night’.
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