Looking for a particular tree for a specific purpose? We stock a large range of evergreen, native and deciduous trees to suit multiple purposes - for around pools, to line driveways, screen off neighbours or provide shade to livestock. But which one is for you? We are here to assist.
Looking for that trusty native tree? But which one?
We stock a large range of Australian native trees including Angophora, Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Lophostemon, Syzygium & Waterhousea. Natives suit a range of applications in the urban environment and are generally hardier in a variety of conditions, depending on the species.
Why choose a deciduous tree?
We stock a large range of deciduous trees in advanced sizes including Japanese Maple, Birch, Gleditsia, Jacaranda, Crepe Myrtle, Chinese Pistacio and ornamental Pear. Deciduous trees can provide amazing autumn colour; let in winter light and canopy for summer shade. Some varieties make excellent flowering specimens.
Want something that is green all year?
We stock a large range of evergreen trees in advanced sizes including Agonis, Cupressus, Fraxinus, Gordonia, Juniperus, Magnolia, Michelia and Pittosporum. With a dense bushy nature, Evergreens provide privacy and screening and have a significant flower or feature such as variegation or year-round colour.
Screening? ..we have quite a selection..
We stock a range of advanced trees suitable for hedging, screening and for creating wind breaks. These varieties include Cupresses, Thuja, Michelia, Pittosporum and Syzygium. Evergreen trees are thick and dense for easy screening in a short space of time. Some of our varieties we have already pruned into a hedge for that instant effect.
Want to add life to your garden, plant an advanced feature tree!
We can advise on suitable feature trees for contrast and feature. Popular selections include native Australian trees such as Corymbia & Lophostemon, as well as colourful exotics such as Michelia, Crepe Myrtle & Malus. Popular colour foliage selections include Agonis, Tristaniopsis & Japanese Maple. Advanced sizes are great for this purpose and create an immediate impact.
Browse our list of categories, form and height or call us for selection assistance.
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Receive all the latest news, product information, collections, projects, tips and special offers straight to your inbox each month or so.
With more than 400 trees in our library we can help you find the perfect tree for your next project.
We're here to help if you need any advice on selecting the perfect tree for your next project.
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Treefinder can help you identify the perfect tree for your next project!
With over 400 tree varieties for review, the Treefinder app enables you to conveniently browse and compile a list of trees suitable for a number of common landscaping uses - from attracting birds to creating a formal screen or hedge. By selecting desired size, foliage, and a few categories, Treefinder opens up a world of possibilities.
Once you've found the perfect tree you can click through to our website for more information, availability and a quote.
We are specialists in the environmentally sustainable production of premium quality advanced landscaping trees and screens.
For more than 48 years Speciality Trees has been a leader in the production and supply of advanced environmentally sustainable, containerised landscape trees for local government, the landscaping industry and retailers.
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